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When Is The Right Time To Buy A Home?
It is possible to buy and sell a home at the exactly wrong time from the standpoint of market dynamics. In the severe real estate corrections recently seen in many parts of Canada...
Top 7 Tips On Avoiding Mortgage Turn-Downs
One of the primary reasons for the real estate meltdown in the United States was the ability of individuals to obtain mortgages well beyond their ability to ever repay. ...
Top 7 Tips On Avoiding "House-Poverty"
Everyone wants to live in a manicured golf fairway mansion with an Olympic sized swimming pool, but when the reality of paying for it all interferes with the fantasy...
Top 7 Things That Can Ruin A Sale
Firm Price: In the mistaken belief that they are separating the serious buyers from the tire kickers, some sellers will make it clear that the price of the house is "firm." That statement...
Top 7 Tip-Offs That You Have The Wrong Agent
There are times when you enter into a business relationship in good will and as time goes on you realize you've made a horrible mistake. When you contract with a real estate agent to sell your propert...
How To Suppress Your Home's Individualism
The best thing a home owner can do is customize their home to reflect their own taste and preferences, and that is also the worst thing that a home seller can do. Although we all like to have our...